IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Seema Kousar.H, Dr.K.C.Suresh


This paper explores the intricate relationship between political parties, ideologies, and globalization, focusing on how globalization influences political ideologies and impacts the practice of politics worldwide. Political parties and ideologies are fundamental to the functioning of democratic societies, representing diverse viewpoints and policy agendas that shape governance and policy outcomes. Political ideologies span a spectrum from conservatism to liberalism, socialism to nationalism, each offering distinct perspectives on the role of government, economic policy, social justice, and international relations. These ideologies guide the formation of political parties, which serve as vehicles for citizen participation, electoral competition, and policy advocacy. In an increasingly interconnected world shaped by globalization, the influence of economic, cultural, and technological factors extends beyond national borders, profoundly impacting political dynamics. Globalization has transformed economic policies by promoting trade liberalization, multinational corporations, and global supply chains. This has prompted debates within political parties over free trade agreements, protectionism, and economic sovereignty. Culturally, globalization has fostered multiculturalism and challenged traditional norms, influencing parties' stances on immigration, human rights, and cultural diversity. Politically, globalization has redefined sovereignty and global governance, prompting parties to navigate international alliances, security arrangements, and environmental agreements. Environmental concerns have gained prominence, with parties differing in their approaches to sustainability and climate change mitigation. Moreover, technological advancements facilitated by globalization have introduced new challenges such as digital governance, cybersecurity, and the regulation of technology giants. In conclusion, political parties and ideologies are crucial in framing public policy and governance responses to globalization's challenges and opportunities. As globalization continues to evolve, understanding its impact on political ideologies and parties remains essential for addressing global issues and advancing democratic governance in the contemporary era.

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