IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Pathways to Sustainable Rural Prosperity and Genetic Diversity Preservation : A Study on Kadaknath Breed in Poultry

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Suhas L, Prof. Mallikarjun V Alagawadi


The Kadaknath chicken breed, indigenous to India, has garnered attention for its exceptional qualities such as superior meat quality, resistance to illness, and ability to thrive in various environmental conditions. This study aims to deliver an exhaustive analysis of Kadaknath chicken cultivation, covering its historical importance, biological traits, cultivation methods, economic advantages, and contribution to biodiversity preservation. Through a detailed examination of Kadaknath chicken farming, this document outlines the sustainable prospects it presents for enhancing rural livelihoods, fostering agricultural diversification, and safeguarding native genetic materials. The research underscores the necessity of endorsing and advancing Kadaknath chicken farming as an eco-friendly and feasible option for rural areas.

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