IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Occurrence of Five Species of Myxomycetes Belongs to Genus-Comatricha From South-East Maharashtra, India

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Tembhurne R. R,Kamble V. S.


The present study was conducted to record the occurrence of Myxomycetes belonging to the genus Comatricha. The present study was conducted from south-east Maharastra, including Sangali, Satara, Solapur, and Kolhapur districts. Comatricha dictyospora , Comatricha longa, Comatricha longipila, Comatricha pulchela, Comatricha typhoides were the five species of myxomycets recorded in the present study. All the species are being reported for the first time in this region. Of these five species Comatricha dictyospora species of myxomycets was newly recorded in India.

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