IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Nutrition for All: Exploring the Right to Food in India

Main Article Content

Dr. Rashida Ather


The food security is a crucial element for ensuring a healthy and prosperous society. In India, these issues have gained significant attention due to the country's vast population and diverse socio-economic landscape. India recognizes the right to food as a fundamental human right. However, despite legal recognition, a substantial portion of the population in India continues to face food insecurity. Poverty, unequal distribution of resources, inadequate infrastructure, and social inequalities contribute to this problem. The objective of this research paper is to examine the right to food in India, focusing on the initiatives, policies, and challenges involved in achieving food security for all citizens. By analyzing the legal framework, government interventions, and societal efforts, the paper aims to provide an understanding of the progress made, persistent challenges, and potential strategies to realize the right to food in India.

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