IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Music Therapy in the Field of Healthcare

Main Article Content

Shivanee Magazine Kaul


Music education has become one of the longest kinds for creative and expressive therapy and has also been proven to have benefits in various diagnostic and research contexts, such as schizophrenic, depression, circulatory characteristics, as well as dementia. This article provides an overview of the some of the latest results throughout this area and also uses two specific case vignettes that provide insight into day-to-day uses of clinical music therapy. In this article attention is given to components of social as well as occupational music usage predicated from with a ‘‘music as health’’ viewpoint. This critical study is meant to uncover beliefs regarding music involvement as well as music watching, with examination of the way music is created as a contribution to societal benefits through musical and healthcare ecosystem. The often observed assumption that music involvement as well as music listening are inherently positive and beneficial is explored. A variety of initiatives are presented and analyzed with relation to the topic of music’s commodification happiness or what has previously been called, the omnipresent goodness of music.

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