IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Multi Guassian Kernals for FCM Algorithm With Mean and Peak-Valley-Kernal Filtering Based Denoising For MRI Segmentation using PSNR Analysis

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Dr. Nookala Venu


In this paper, a new segmentation algorithm with the integration of mean and peak-and-valley filtering based denoising and Gaussian kernels based fuzzy c-means (MPVKFCM) algorithm is proposed for medical image segmentation. First, the image is denoised by using the mean and peak-and-valley filtering algorithm. Secondly, image segmentation algorithm with Gaussian kernels based fuzzy c-means is performed on the denoised image. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on OASIS-MRI image dataset. The performance is tested in terms of score, number of iterations (NI), Execution time (TM) and PSNR values under different Gaussian noises on OASIS-MRI dataset. The results after investigation, the proposed method shows a significant improvement as compared to other existing methods in terms of PSNR, Score, NI and TM under different Gaussian noises on OASIS-MRI dataset.

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