IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Molecular Implications in Endodontic Diagnosis

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Chetna Arora, Suneedhi Aggarwal , Dr Shubhra Malik, Dr Sumeeta Giri, Dr Saumya Dimri


Endodontic diagnosis focuses majorly on extent of microbial infection & host response. But, for the time being there is no method that completely fulfill this principle. So, aims of this review article is to discuss regarding the possibility of pulpal and periapical inflammation diagnosis via molecular markers. Molecular markers are of great importance in tracking the prognosis & subsequent healing in procedures like pulpotomy and pulpectomy. Variety of tissue fluids are used fr this purpose.of them, GCF is majorly used in case of periodontal purposes and found less significance in endodontic field.Fluids like dentinal fluid, plural blood, periapical fluids are majorly the one giving exact status regarding endodontic infections. In inflamed pulps the levels of PMN’s and related enzymes like cathepsin G, matrix metalloproteinases-9 and elastase found to be increased. Less site specific markers like IL-1 beta are less relevant in case of pulpitis & apical periodontitis diagnosis.Since, molecular diagnosis is undoubtedly a boon in upgrading the level of treatment planning therefore, nowadays researchers are actively working on chair side diagnosis in order to make this process a bit easier

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