IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Mising culture under the influence of globalization

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Sima Bhuyan


Assam and the North East have been inhabited by different ethnic groups since ancient times with their own cultures. In the changing times, these different ethnic groups have influenced their own cultures through the process of cultural integration and assimilation among each other. In recent times, the lifestyle of various ethnic groups living in the entire North East including Assam has been widely affected by globalization. It is noteworthy that globalization has brought about some innovative changes in their own culture. Therefore, this discussion attempts to examine the impact of globalization on the culture of the Mising people, a major tribe in the North East. It is important to note that although culture is universal, its expression varies from place to place and the nature of world culture can be understood through local or indigenous culture. Therefore, in order to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the impact of globalization on such an indigenous culture The Misings of the North East are to be selected and discussed.

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