IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Migraine & Its Homoeopathic Approach: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Main Article Content

Ashutosh Kumar , Dr. Sunil Kumar


Migraine, a prevalent neurological disorder, poses significant challenges in its management. This article aims to explore the multifaceted nature of migraines and the limitations of conventional treatments, paving the way for a holistic approach through homeopathy. The objectives include understanding migraine complexity, uncovering conventional treatment drawbacks, introducing homeopathy as a holistic approach, exploring key homeopathic remedies, examining evidence, emphasizing individualization, discussing lifestyle modifications, and encouraging collaborative care. By addressing these objectives, this article advocates for a comprehensive model that integrates homeopathic and conventional treatments, promoting patient-centered care for those suffering from migraines.

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