IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Mania Associated with Anabolic Steroid Abuse in People Visiting Gymnasiums and Health Clubs

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Debalina Biswas , Tabish Brar , Amit Beniwal, Aman Singh Jamwal , Brijesh Saran , Amoolya K Seth


Background: The use of anabolic steroids has increased in popularity over the last decade in many high-income countries, where they may cause aggressiveness, depression, mania, and psychosis, as well as a number of physical complications. Objectives: To study mania associated with anabolic steroid abuse in people visiting Gymnasiums and health clubs. Materials and Methods:This was a cross sectional study, the sample consisting of 114 participants who are the gym going population of local gymnasiums in Delhi NCR. Tools: Chi square test and t-test was applied for comparisons. Following psychiatric rating scales will be used for collection of data: General Health Questionnaire 28, Semi-Structured Proforma for Socio-Demographic Data, Young Mania Rating Scale. Result: In our study more participants belonging to age group >30 year were found to have moderate to severe dependence that was statistically significant between the age groups as compared to 15.84% participants of age group 18-30 years. In our study we found that participants having scored significantly more positive on GHQ -28 (87.50%) as compared to non-users or non-dependent users where only 46.67% scored positively on GHQ28. These findings suggest that significantly more participants who were AAS dependent also suffered from other psychiatric co-morbidities as compared to non-user/ non-dependent users. During the period of our study we could not find any participant of AAS dependence to be suffering from mania, or any individual suffering from mania with history of anabolic androgenic steroid use. In our study all the participants scored <20 on Young Mania Rating Scale. Conclusion: Participants having high AAS dependence scored significantly more positive on GHQ -28. During the period of our study we could not find any participant of AAS e-ISSN 2320 –7876 www.ijfans.org Vol.11,S Iss.2, 2022 Research Paper © 2012 IJFANS. All Rights Reserved, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal 6 dependence to be suffering from mania, or any individual suffering from mania with history of anabolic androgenic steroid use. In our study all the participants scored <20 on Young Mania Rating Scale.

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