IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Mr. Sunny Masand, Mr. Maulik Chandnani, Mr.Ashok Prem,


Investment management alongside security analysis constitutes a systematic approach utilized by investors and portfolio managers to make well-informed investment choices. Its aim is to pinpoint undervalued securities and craft a portfolio that effectively balances risk and return. Security analysis encompasses scrutinizing financial statements, economic indicators, and market trends to ascertain the intrinsic value of a security. The investment management process unfolds through several stages. Initially, the investor or portfolio manager assesses the investment objective and risk tolerance of the client or fund. Subsequently, they engage in security analysis to unearth undervalued securities or those poised for robust growth. Construction of the portfolio follows suit, factoring in diversification and asset allocation to achieve the desired risk-return equilibrium. Success in investment management with security analysis hinges on a profound comprehension of financial markets and economic indicators. Additionally, a solid grasp of invested companies and their respective industries is indispensable. Moreover, adeptness in analyzing financial statements and market data to discern trends and seize opportunities is imperative.

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