IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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N Hari Priya,P Avaniketh,M Naresh,P Sai kumar


Contrasted with the past, improvements in PC and correspondence innovations have given broad and propelled changes. The use of new innovations give incredible advantages to people, organizations, and governments, be that as it may, messes some up against them. For instance, the protection of significant data, security of put away information stages, accessibility of information and so forth. Contingent upon these issues, digital fear based oppression is one of the most significant issues in this day and age. Digital fear, which made a great deal of issues people and establishments, has arrived at a level that could undermine open and nation security by different gatherings, for example, criminal association, proficient people and digital activists. Along these lines, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) has been created to maintain a strategic distance from digital assaults. Right now, learning the bolster support vector machine (SVM) calculations were utilized to recognize port sweep endeavors dependent on the new CICIDS2017 dataset with 97.80%, 69.79% precision rates were accomplished individually. Rather than SVM we can introduce some other algorithms like random forest, CNN, ANN where these algorithms can acquire accuracies like SVM – 93.29, CNN – 63.52, Random Forest – 99.93, ANN – 99.11

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