IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Machine Learning for Personalized Nutrition: Integrating Clinical Biochemistry Perspectives

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Prof. Apeksha A. Pandekar Prof. Pravin R.Dandekar Prof. Sameer G. Patil Dr. Raju M. Sairise


The burgeoning field of personalized nutrition seeks to revolutionize dietary recommendations by tailoring them to individual characteristics. This abstract explores the intersection of machine learning and personalized nutrition, emphasizing the integration of clinical biochemistry perspectives. The integration begins with the collection and analysis of genetic data and clinical biomarkers, providing a foundation for personalized nutrition insights. Machine learning algorithms play a pivotal role in deciphering complex patterns within these datasets, enabling the development of predictive models. These models aim to understand the intricate interactions between an individual's unique biochemical makeup and dietary responses. Metabolic pathways are modeled using machine learning techniques, shedding light on how specific nutrients influence biochemical processes. Dynamic models, facilitated by machine learning, simulate the temporal aspects of nutrient metabolism, allowing for personalized dietary recommendations that adapt over time based on an individual's evolving health status. Individualized profiles are created, incorporating genetic, clinical, and lifestyle data. Machine learning algorithms generate tailored dietary recommendations, optimizing health outcomes by considering the nuances of an individual's biochemistry. User engagement models and feedback loops enhance adherence and refine recommendations based on real-time data. The integration of wearable devices and health technologies provides continuous streams of data for further refinement of personalized nutrition plans. Ethical considerations, including robust data security measures and informed consent, underscore the responsible implementation of these technologies.

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