IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Machine Learning Enabled Process Optimization for Food Safety and Quality Assurance

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1Varsha Bhole, 2Jayprabha Vishal Terdale


The use of cutting-edge technology in the food sector has been prompted by the rising concern for food safety and the need for high-quality food items. Machine learning has recently become a potent tool for process optimization and decision-making across a range of industries, including quality control and food safety. The use of machine learning techniques to improve food safety procedures and maximize product quality in the food sector is explored in this research study. The study process entails gathering data from a variety of sources, including openly accessible food safety databases, information about the food production and supply chain, information about the environment, and consumer reviews. To guarantee data quality and compliance with machine learning models, preprocessing approaches are used. In order to extract meaningful patterns from the raw data, feature engineering is used, and algorithms are chosen from a variety of classification, regression, and clustering techniques that are specialized for different purposes. The results show how machine learning may be used to identify pollutants, allergies, and quality problems early on. Real-time quality control, supply chain optimization, and customer feedback analysis have all benefited from the use of image recognition, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics. However, issues with bias, interpretability, and data quality call for more study and advancement. The study also emphasizes the significance of data security and privacy while managing delicate information on food safety. The use of machine learning algorithms to prevent prejudice and promote fairness is investigated from an ethical perspective. Future research in this area will examine explainable AI, sophisticated machine learning techniques, and Internet of Things (IoT) integration for real-time monitoring, among other things. To guarantee responsible adoption and compliance with current food safety rules, cooperative efforts involving domain experts, data scientists, and regulatory bodies are advised. The study's potential to transform approaches for ensuring food safety and quality is demonstrated in its conclusion. A safer, more effective, and customer-focused food supply chain may be attained as long as the food sector continues to adopt these cutting-edge technology. Future food safety, quality, and customer trust

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