IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Living Nonentities:The Life of Women in Naguib Mafouz's Palace Walk

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Shino S, Dr. L.M. Samuel Nayagam


Naguib Mahfouz, in his works, demonstrates his concern for portraying the hardships endured by Egyptian women during 20th-century Egypt. Mahfouz's Palace Walk portrays his female characters, who suffer at the hands of patriarchal society. This paper aims to investigate the causes and manifestations of pain that the individuals were undergoing because of the norms and beliefs that were prevalent in their day. The female characters in the novel have a strong commitment to their families, faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities as daughters, wives,and mothers. Even after dedicating their lives to their families well-being, they still have to deal with misogyny and the fallout of living in a society that is fundamentally patriarchal. Women were mistreated in patriarchal cultures. The harsh restrictions and constant criticism they faced caused their identity and social presence to progressively fade. Women were brought up to be subordinate to the maids in the family. Their identity and presence in society were gradually obscured because of the severe limitations and unrelenting criticism they were subjected to. Women were raised to submit to the family patriarchs forever. The patriarchs deceived and exploited a number of female characters in the guise of tradition and faith. They are described by the author as selfless, obedient individuals who sacrifice their inner selves in order to survive

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