IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

IoT Quality Control for Data and Application Needs

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Amit Kumar Bishnoi


Quality control is essential in every business that develops, manufactures, or delivers physical products, but it is especially critical in the manufacturing sector. Manufacturers aim for consistent, high-quality outcomes and low rejection rates, according to software provider Bartech, to help counter the industry's unpredictable market demand and expensive material prices. When you consider the "mission-critical nature" of final goods, it is no wonder that many manufacturing companies have been focusing their efforts on increasing quality control and incorporating new technology to gain a competitive edge. The capacity to monitor and manage manufacturing equipment is critical to the quality of produced products in today's tech-centric world. To guarantee consistent processing parameters and minimize time-wasting inefficiencies, technicians are continuously recalibrating equipment and improving production lines. In the final phases of manufacturing, a same retooling is taking place, with automated machines and robots playing a major part. Historically, manufacturing facilities used teams of skilled quality assurance experts to ensure that final products were of high quality. Companies have integrated new procedures and systems to simplify product monitoring and defect detection activities, thanks to the development of internet-of-things technology and Industry 4.0.

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