IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Investigation on the different stirring medium on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Aluminum-Titanium Di Boride in-situ metal matrix composites

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Ravi J, Anandhi Sarangapani


A thorough investigation on the influence on the different stirring medium on the composite melt was carried out in an attempt to prepare In-situ Al1050-5wt.% TiB2 composite. In the preparation of in-situ composites stirring medium has its own effect on the final prepared composite. The stirring of the melt slurry was made intermittently at regular intervals. The melt was stirring at regular interval was carried out using different stirring medium. The first part of experiment was carried out without stirring of the melt, in the second part the melt was stirred with motor and in the third part of the experiment the composite melt was stirred with manually and Although different stirring medium was used, the intermittent stirring of the melt was kept at constant interval time of 10 minutes. No uniform formation of particles were found in the composite processed without stirring, when the composite melt was stirred with motor kept at 100 rpm the results showed that the particles were formed, however the particles were not only of TiB2, there were also presence of other particles such as Al3Ti and AlB2. However stirring of the melt manually showed excellent results. The composite processed with manual stirring confirmed the presence of only TiB2 particle in the melt which confirmed that the reaction was complete. Due to lack of understanding of the process parameters, partial reactivity of the salts in the alloy matrix occurs, resulting in the development of intermediate phases such as imental to their characteristics. People have been attempting to manufacture in-situ Al/ TiB2 composites without the formation of intermediate reaction products since FAS developed in-situ Al/ TiB2 composites, but only a very few have succeeded. By choosing proper stirring medium composites with only TiB2 particles can be prepared. By exactly choosing the stirring medium condition we were able to successfully produce TiB2 reinforcements in the melt, there by effectively producing Al1050-5%TiB2 in-situ composite. The microstructure of the composites was examined and the mechanical properties were studied. The studies on the microstructural and mechanical properties of the composite produced using manual stirring showed superior properties.

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