Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
Volume 13 | Issue 4
During the pandemic, this research looked at the connections between instructional presence, cognitive presence, learner engagement, and self efficacy and self-regulation. 1435 Korean undergraduate students in total responded to an online survey on their COVID-19 learning experiences. The results show that instructional presence, cognitive presence, and self-regulation were all positively correlated with regulation, self-efficacy. teaching cognitive presence presence, all Self and completely moderated the link between self-efcacy and learning engagement; no direct association between the two was discovered. Learning engagement and cognitive present were positively correlated with self-regulation. Cognitive presence was positively impacted by teaching presence, but learner engagement was not affected. But the association between teaching presence and learner engagement was entirely mediated by cognitive presence. Overall, this research provides evidence in favor of the importance of cognitive presence in online learning.