IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Integrating Technology in Nutrition Education: Opportunities and Challenges

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Dr. Bhupal Pujari, Mr.Shivaji H. Pawar Mr. Indrajeet B Jadhav


In recent times, computer applications have become effective tools for collecting and sharing nutrition information. Both independent and online applications are now utilized to offer nutrition education to the public, paraprofessionals, and professionals. Although online communication tools like email, electronic discussion groups, and list-servs are relatively new in the realm of nutrition education, the expanding reach of the Internet and the World Wide Web is increasing their accessibility. Nutrition educators are encouraged to explore the possibilities and challenges presented by these technologies to enhance their work.The landscape of education has been significantly shaped by digital technologies, influencing how teachers manage daily practices and how students engage in learning within classrooms. Furthermore, technology is increasingly integrated into classrooms through a blend of kinesthetic, visual, and auditory approaches. This study seeks to compile evidence on the impact of technology-incorporated, school-based nutrition education programs on the acquisition of nutrition-related knowledge and behavioral changes in adolescents. While all studies reported positive effects, these outcomes were not consistently sustained. Although technology-based approaches are feasible in such interventions, there is a need for enhancements to ensure the attainment of lasting results

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