IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Indigenous Traditional Medicinal Knowledge of Local Folk lore People of at Ananthagiri hills, Vikarabad District, Telangana

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Rapole Jyothirmai, Dr.Regula Sunitha


The life of the Folk lore is intimately connected with the plants in their day-to-day activities. They are dependant on the plants for their food, clothes, shelter, medicine, beverages, binding material, oils, resins, etc. The paper deals with the indigenous Traditional medicinal knowledge of local Folk lore people of medicinal plants used to cure various diseases and ailments available in Ananthagirihills, situated in Vikarabad district Telangana state. A total of 250 plant species belonging to 80 families are documented. The ethnobotanical data obtained from local inhabitants revealed that 113 diseases find curative chemical constituents in 250 plant species.

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