IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Indian Case Study on Deafness and Its Prevention

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Dr. Tarun Malhotra1 *, Dr. Abhay Kumar Singh2 , Dr. Sushil Gaur3 , Dr. Dirag Shah4 , Dr. Mansi Sharma5


The ability to hear is essential for a child's brain growth as well as for human potential and later social development. Unfortunately, the deafness has not received adequate attention for a variety of reasons. In India, there have been numerous research on the genesis and prevalence of various diseases. It has been established that the rural population is more frequently impacted than the urban population. A portion of the blame has also been placed on a poor economic background. The high frequency of hearing impairment has been significantly attributed to a lack of health awareness and education. The appropriate attention has not been given to primary and secondary prevention. There aren't many research that are multicentric. However, some studies have been able to accurately determine the scope of the issue, its underlying causes, and the areas that require attention. The studies have also demonstrated that, with some adjustments, the current healthcare system may be used to focus on primary and secondary prevention. The main focus has been on health education, with a focus on upper respiratory infections, pre- and postnatal causes at a young age, and prevention of hearing impairment. The focus is on a national initiative that will pay close attention to both primary and secondary hearing impairment prevention, as well as how to help people who are already impacted.

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