IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Importance of Solar Energy in the Modern Digital Environment

Main Article Content

Mayur Agarwal


Solar energy is derived naturally through solar power which is received from the sun with the help of solar panels. Solar energy is a cheap, abundant, and renewable source of power. Environmental pollution can sometimes be decreased by using energy from the sun. One of the most pure and healthy sources of energy. Being a clean and sustainable source of energy, solar energy is crucial. This implies that it won't cause any harm to the planet. These days, solar energy is a widely common source of power. Many homes, businesses, workplaces, schools, and institutions use solar energy to meet their electrical needs. The energy we get from the sun and transform into thermal or electrical energy using photovoltaic cells is known as solar energy. This study focuses on the significance of solar energy in the present digital environment. The findings shows that a lot of individuals can benefit from the use of solar energy. People are unable to use it, nevertheless, due to the expensive expense of its accessories and equipment. This study conclude that individuals may utilize solar energy to the fullest extent possible for their own purposes so, the government should take some action to lower the cost of solar energy equipment’s.

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