IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact Of Stress On Health And Behaviour Of Bank Employees

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Dr. D. Ashlin Melbha,Dr. C.L. Jeba Melvin


Stress covered the non‐specific reaction of a life form to a wide scope of ecological elements including physical, synthetic, and biological ones, under the wide umbrella of general transformation condition.1 Stress is not what happens to someone, but how someone reacts to it.2 Stress is a mental pressure that creates tension or emotional feeling. This is known as distress. In the positive side, it is very useful to finish the deadlines. This kind of stress is known as eustress.3 So the researcher takes an attempt to study the negative impact of stress on health and behaviour of bank employees. This study focuses in Kanyakumari District. The lower and middle level bank employees are chosen for the study. This study explains the impact of stress on physical and mental behavioural changes of bank employees in Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu.

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