IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact Of Social Media Marketing Strategies On Consumer Buying Behaviour With Reference To Food Delivery Apps In India

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Dr. Nilesh R. Berad ,Dr. Jyoti Singh


This research paper investigates the impact of social media marketing strategies on consumer perceptions and buying behavior towards food delivery apps in India. The study adopted a quantitative approach, collecting data through an online survey from a sample of 279 consumers across various regions in the country. The research objectives were to examine the influence of social media marketing on consumers' perceptions of food delivery apps and to study its impact on their buying behavior. The hypotheses were tested using one-sample t-tests to determine the significance of the impact. The findings revealed that social media marketing efforts, including engaging content, influencer endorsements, and user-generated content, had a positive impact on consumers' perceptions of food delivery apps. Social media promotions, discounts, and visually enticing posts significantly influenced consumers' decisions to order from specific food delivery apps. The study highlights the importance of effective social media marketing strategies to engage and retain consumers in the competitive food delivery industry. Keywords: Social media marketing, consumer perceptions, buying behavior, food delivery apps, India.

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