IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of social media and e resources on public library users

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Dr. Neeta A. Kene


ICT has spread over all the fields of life like Sun rays which reach all nuke and corner of the world. Library was source of information from ancient age. As a knowledge manager the role of librarian was very important, who acquired and collected, stored, catalogued and retrieved the printed material and serve user as for his test. There is tremendous change traditional Libraries and last near about two decades. Now a days Librarians who are more knowledge managers have moved form that the role of become more of service provider. It is seen that when the digitization revaluation starts, there was notation that Librarians would no longer persist. The answer is no. But the Librarian has come back with new technology and understanding potential of the same. Most of the Librarian has started using Information and communication technologies to serve their communities with more effective manner. At large amount the communities also started depending and demanding libraries to provide batter services to them. A tremendous data available in Institution in hard copies, there is need of Librarian to processes the knowledge about conversation of hard or print version to digital form and make available to the user who is in need.

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