IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Smart Irrigation Systems in the Agriculture to Overcome the Losses Due To Open Flow Irrigation

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Sunil Kumar


Water is an essential requirement for all living things, hence every living thing, plant, and animal should have plenty of it. Agriculture is among the key occupation that feeds food to an entire globe, as science can make anything artificial, but food cannot be replaced. Plants and animals provide sustenance for all living species, and all living beings rely on plants for existence. Because crops are the primary supply, they are grown throughout the year. Irrigation is required for the plants to sustain their growth rate and output. Various irrigation approaches are explored by various specialists based on crop and soil requirements utilizing IoT and artificial intelligence. The study's goal is to research and debate irrigation technology advancements to enhance the irrigation system. Thus, more research aids in examining the most recent irrigation technologies and the system's flaws, as well as suggestions for how to enhance them.

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