IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Abhay Mishra, Dr. Sonal Saxena


The aim of the study is to find impact of self esteem on emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion in IT industry. In recent years, the IT industry in India has expanded rapidly, and it is now one of the fastest-growing service industries in the country. Emotional dissonance and Exhaustion are impacted by self esteem. Since this is the case, productivity among workers suffers. As a result, it influences both the employee's pleasure and the conventional measurements of success. Emotional dissonance and exhaustion may result in high staff turnover rates, absenteeism, anxiety when taking on additional duties, “missed deadlines, and a lack of devotion to the organisation.” The reasons for discontent at work are not limited to those listed above. As a result, it is crucial to first consider how emotional dissonance and exhaustion affect by self esteem. The study included both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. It adopts a comprehensive, diversified strategy. Important elements in the research process include defining the study's aims and objectives as well as gathering and assessing participant data. Using SPSS 22.0, the statistical analysis for this study was carried out. I used statistical techniques including linear regression and percent-based methodologies.

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