IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

How Women Are Maintaining Various Responsibilities Working In Factory?

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Nimishaben N. Raj


Generally, women were not thinking regarding their role except mother and housewife before independence. But, after in dependence, totally this criteria is totally changed. Women are now maintaining various roles during last 75 years. Now, women are working shoulder to escaped shoulder with men. There is no field now, where women are not working. She is now pilot in air-force to captain in worship. From Kalpana Chavla to Mrs. Indira Gandhi, from Sumitra Mahajan to Mirakumar and Mrs. Draupadi marmu, women have maintained and still maintaining Various roles in various fields. Here, the researcher aims at to glorify how women are maintaining various roles particularly working. in factory.

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