IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Fuzzy Logic-Based Expert System for Assessing Food Safety and Nutritional Risks

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Dr. Yogeesh N, Dr. Lingaraju


Food safety and nutritional risks are significant concerns in the field of food and nutritional sciences. Traditional methods for assessing these risks often rely on complex and time-consuming processes. In this research work, we offer an expert system based on fuzzy logic as a means of evaluating the nutritional and sanitary concerns associated with food. The fuzzy logic principles including membership functions are put to use by the expert system in order to evaluate and quantify the risks that are linked with the many different aspects of food quality and nutrition. In order to show how the expert system may be applied, a case study is carried out, and the findings are analysed and compared to traditional approaches to risk assessment. The findings demonstrate that the expert system based on fuzzy logic is useful in giving accurate and time-efficient assessments of the nutritional and sanitary concerns associated with food. This research contributes to the development of a practical and reliable tool for risk assessment in the food and nutritional sciences.

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