IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Further Results on Pair Sum Graphs

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Dr. M.Kavitha, C.Kothandaraman


Let G be a p , q graph. An injective map f : V G 1, 2, , p is called a pair sum labeling if the induced edge function, f e : E G Z 0 defined by fe uv f u f v is one-one and fe E G is either of the form k1 , k2 ,, kq / 2 or k1 , k2 ,, k ( q 1)/ 2 k( q 1) / 2 according as q is even or odd. A graph with a pair sum labeling is called a pair sum graph. In this paper we investigate the pair sum labeling behavior of subdivision of some standard graphs

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