IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. Manisha M. Barad


After a period of 34 years during which the nation did not have a formal education policy, the union cabinet gave its approval to the National Education Policy-2020 on July 29, 2020. This event marked the end of the era. In this essay, a concise analysis of a wide range of important topics is presented, including the growing trend towards privatisation, the provision of fair access to education, and the provision of excellent universal education. The purpose of this article is to investigate a number of suggested changes to the “Higher Education System” that depart from the framework that is already in place. A comprehensive examination of policy changes that have an effect on the funding of public “higher education institutions (HEIs)” in India is provided in this publication, which also discusses a number of notable innovations. Additionally, it analyses the projected implications that “NEP 2020” would have on the “Higher Education System” in India as well as the financial resources of institutions. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether or not it is possible to achieve a GDP target of 6% in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic. The first step in the research process is analysing the proportion of India's gross domestic product that is allocated to public funding for education. After then, it moves on to determine the degree of correlation that exists between the expansion of the “Gross domestic product (GDP)” following the pandemic and the rise in the amount of money spent on schooling. In conclusion, it investigates potential scenarios in order to ascertain whether or not it is possible to achieve the goal of applying 6% of the gross domestic product to education.

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