IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Financial Management Practices in the Food and Nutrition Industry: A Comprehensive Review

Main Article Content

Dr. Deshmukh Narendra P, Dr. Santosh Prakash Dhawale, Dr. Laxman Narayanrao Renapure, Prof. Deshmukh Megha N


This comprehensive review is a deep exploration of the financial management practices within the food and nutrition industry. It underscores the paramount importance of these practices and their far-reaching influence on the sector's long-term sustainability and viability. The review encompasses a wide array of critical aspects, including budgeting, cost control, revenue management, working capital management, and risk mitigation. Within this comprehensive examination, practical insights and recommendations emerge. Industry stakeholders will find valuable guidance on how to optimize their financial management strategies, adapt to evolving market dynamics, and secure their positions in a highly competitive field. Moreover, this review extends its reach to regulatory bodies, proposing policy measures that can foster a conducive environment for responsible financial practices, ensuring consumer protection and industry integrity. Lastly, the review ventures into the realm of emerging technologies, shedding light on their potential impacts on financial strategies within the industry. By considering the evolving landscape influenced by technology, industry leaders can proactively position themselves for future success. This review offers a holistic view of financial management practices in the food and nutrition sector. It equips stakeholders with actionable insights, presents policy avenues for regulators, and anticipates the transformative potential of evolving technologies, ultimately empowering decision-makers in this dynamic industry.

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