IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Geeta Rani


The research topic was enthusiastically taken by me as I got exposed to an environment where it became a matter of concern as well as of curiosity for me to dig into the burning issue of present time that is condition of women in the society regardless of region, culture of society i.e. national or international scenario .The rationale behind the research topic is to highlight the problems that still exist at the grassroots level and requires a drastic change in the basic thinking process the patriarchal society and male dominated society. The study of the various waves of the feminism with the help of primary and secondary sources. Despite the numerous outcries by the various media sources, papers and magazines that female sex is leading and progressively participating in various field of male dominated work areas or society as a whole, the question rises , Have we really come a long way?...so far.. The paper reaches to a crux that one cannot deny the progress made by the females all over the world so far by making countless efforts , now we see a drastic change in the thinking process of many societies and cultures in the world with regards to the female sex but we still have long path to be covered .Its apparently a never ending journey that would always need efforts to balance the position and role of female in the male dominated society as e see in India as well.

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