IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

FANI Cyclone & Community

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Shekher Chaturvedi, Prof. Rashmi Nigam


Fani was a severe cyclone which formed in Summer and went on to give Odisha a new experience after 1976. It had certain peculiar aspects attached to it such as no storm surge was generated, it stopped for a while and again started and travelled in a zigzag path. However, Odisha and the Central Government were being updated with real time information for every movement of the cyclone by India Meteorological Department (IMD). This also reaffirmed the mitigation and response measures taken by Odisha Government and also level of awareness which the community had gathered over a period of time. It was a well coordinated effort from all stakeholders including community which led to reduction in loss of lives. Massive evacuation process was carried out with the help of community, who also led the management of relief camps during the disaster period.

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