IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring Intersexuality: A Discourse on Ambiguous Gender in Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

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R. Ajuma,Dr. Stephen Foster Davis


Societal norms that acknowledge gender as binary, anything outside or within is either rejected or frowned upon. Living a life not belonging to either of the gender brings in trauma and alienation. Jeffrey Eugenides in his Pulitzer Prize winning novel Middlesex, introduces Cal Stephanides, who is an intersex or someone who displays female gender schema though having dominant male genes. While growing up Cal goes through tumultuous phase when he realizes that he is neither truly a girl or a boy. This paper tries to analyse the psyche of an individual who is unable to determine their life because of their ambiguous gender. Fear of rejection from the loved ones, dread of not being able to fit in and anxious about not able to discuss their body and experiences with anyone are some of the issues discussed in the paper.

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