IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Explainable AI: Interpretable Models for Transparent Decision-Making

Main Article Content

Neelam Kamlesh Kumawat
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/09/03/30


The quest for obvious and interpretable choice-making has turn out to be paramount in an technology ruled by way of the vast use of complicated AI structures. Explainable AI (XAI) emerges as a pivotal area addressing this vital want by using growing fashions and strategies that shed light at the enigmatic reasoning at the back of AI-pushed conclusions. This paper illuminates the Explainable AI landscape, defining its importance, strategies, and packages throughout a couple of domains. The dialogue moves through the coronary heart of XAI, elucidating its two factors: interpretable fashions and put up-hoc factors. In the previous, it investigates models which can be inherently designed for explicable results, such as decision timber or linear fashions. Meanwhile, the latter segment examines put up-modelling techniques which include function importance or SHAP values to decipher the underlying good judgment of black-box algorithms inclusive of neural networks. Furthermore, it surveys present day research efforts and forecasts future directions, imagining a path in which XAI now not best improves version transparency but additionally promotes human-AI collaboration. Explainable AI addresses the pressing need for accountability and believe by means of deciphering the intent behind AI decisions, at the same time as also charting a path towards understandable, ethical, and dependable AI structures, revolutionizing the landscape of AI-pushed decision-making.

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