IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Baharul Islam , Md. Saiqul Islam


Social exclusion is a multidimensional phenomenon prevalent in many societies, including India. The practice of social exclusion is a systemic phenomenon that imposes limitations on the complete involvement of specific individuals or groups in various social, economic, and political facets of existence. The aforementioned circumstances may result in the marginalization of individuals or communities. Such factors may include but are not limited to caste, religion, gender, disability, and socioeconomic status. The issue of social exclusion in India is entrenched in historical injustices and discriminatory practices that persist to adversely affect a significant number of individuals. It has been observed that certain communities in India, who are deemed marginalized, are subjected to discriminatory practises and are excluded from mainstream society on the basis of factors such as caste, religion, gender, and economic status. The present research paper delves into the matter of social exclusion in India, taking into account the legal perspective and emphasising the laws and initiatives that have been put in place to tackle this all-encompassing problem. The research methodology utilized in this paper is primarily of a doctrinal or non-empirical legal nature. The present analysis is predicated upon a theoretical examination of the subject matter, drawing upon secondary sources such as books, magazines, newspapers, reports, and publications emanating from diverse associations, research scholars, universities, as well as the central and state governments. This research paper aims to explore the concept of social exclusion in India from a legal perspective. It investigates the various legal frameworks and mechanisms in place to address social exclusion, as well as their effectiveness in promoting inclusive social development. The paper also examines specific marginalized groups in India and analyses the legal provisions enacted to protect their rights and promote their inclusion. By critically evaluating the existing legal framework, this research paper seeks to identify gaps and propose recommendations to enhance legal measures addressing social exclusion in India

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