IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Evalution of the Management of Haemorroids: A Review Article

Main Article Content

Dr. Sayandeep Maity, Dr. Anu Vibhu, Dr. Sameer Naqash, Dr. Shalabh Gupta, Dr. Tripta S Bhagat


Haemorrhoids are non-pathological cushions of over distended vascular tissue/plexus which stretches the over lying mucosa and anoderm, loosening their attachments to the muscle wall of the anal canaland is one of the most frequent diseases in colo-rectalsurgery. With the intention of having a more customised approach, several surgical or office-based therapies are being offered. The purpose of this article was to explain the historical development of surgical therapy for haemorrhoids. It includes a description of all new surgical and officebased treatments that were developed during the first 20 years of the 2000s

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