IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Estimation Of Serum-Lead Levels In Tobacco Smokers ,Non - Tobacco Smokers, Raw Tobacco Chewers And Its Effects On Hemoglobin Levels-A Comparative Study

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Dr.M Naveen kumar, Dr Shallab Srivastav, Dr S Rama Devi3


Aim & Objective:The aim of the study was to To compare and correlate with Hemoglobin levels in blood in all the groups i.e.., smokers, Raw tobacco chewers, passive smokers, controls. Methodology:The Methodology followed for preparing this work is mostly the primary and secondary data. The primary data for the study are collected through OPD Department of TRR Medical College during 2021-2022. Collection method:We have taken MISSION HB [Hemoglobin Testing system] Meter Instrument was used to estimate Hb levels in patient bloodIt contains code chip and has to be inserted into the code chip slot it clicksafter installation and display Hb Test Strip was kept in the slot and with aPricking Finger method free flow blood was collected in a graduated capillary tube and gently blood was transferred on the hb strip and the reading was noticed and documented

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