IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Essential Facts Of The Role Of Nutrition In Palliative Care

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S. Abisha, B.Lavanya, B.Vaishnav Kumar, Dr. A.N Uma


Nutrition in palliative care and at the end of life should be one of the goals for improving quality of life. It is imperative to address the issues around food and eating in order to assist with the management of annoying symptoms and to enhance the remaining life. We must focus on the dietary components of cancer in palliative care, even though the concepts are applicable to other severe chronic illnesses such advanced heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and dementia. Cancer and its treatments have a substantial impact on physical and psychological resources, and at the end of life, problems with hunger and the ability to eat and drink worsen these consequences. For a compassionate nutritional treatment for cancer patients, the following dietary changes may be taken into account. Reduce eating effort by choosing modest, regular snacks throughout the day that are abundant in protein and energy. Liquid meals high in calories may be beneficial. Adapt your diet to your new taste preferences and stay away from items that can make you averse to them, like those that have a strong odour (roast meat, fish). Foods that are cold often have less smell. Use salt, herbs, spices, and seasonings if the oral mucosa is not sensitive. To prevent stomach emptying, choose small, frequent snacks throughout the day (crackers, biscuits). Take advantage of the intervals between chemotherapy treatments or when the patient feels less exhausted. Cold foods and foods with less odor may be easier to tolerate. Choose soft, creamy, or liquid foods instead of those that could harm your mouth's mucous membrane. Choose room temperature foods over hot ones and steer clear of hot drinks. Cold food and drink may be enjoyable. Avoid extreme tastes like extremely acidic or spicy foods, citrus fruits, and things that are particularly salty. Food can be moistened (by adding milk, gravy, or sauce) and chopped or ground to the proper thickness to make swallowing easier. To avoid choking, thicken foods that are viscous. Foods with a mixed consistency are dangerous since they can cause choking. By slicing food small and dipping it in liquids, you can encourage the passage of bolus throughout the oesophagus. It is advised to take precautions including eating small, frequent meals and chewing food thoroughly. The goal of an appropriate fluids and fibre consumption is to stop dehydration.

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