IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Environmentally friendly power Sources, Sustainability Issues and Climate Change Mitigation

Main Article Content

Sunil Kumar


ABSTRACT: The globe is quickly turning into a worldwide town since the total populace requests more energy consistently, notwithstanding the way that the world's shape can't modify. Energy and related administrations are turning out to be more significant for human social and financial development, government assistance, and wellbeing. Getting back to renewables to assist with diminishing environmental change is really smart, however it should be maintainable to fulfill people in the future's energy prerequisites. The examination took a gander at the benefits of sustainable power sources, for example, energy security, admittance to energy, social and financial turn of events, environmental change moderation, and diminished ecological and wellbeing impacts. Notwithstanding these benefits, there remain obstructions to the drawn out reasonability of environmentally friendly power sources as far as environmental change alleviation. Market disappointments, an absence of information, accessibility to unrefined components for future inexhaustible asset organization, and our ordinary carbon impression are among these challenges. The exploration proposed specific strategies and activities that, whenever carried out, would help achieve the target of sustainable power, diminishing emanations, moderating environmental change, and giving a spotless climate and clean energy for all current and people in the future.

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