IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Electrical Resistivity of the Cu 0.7+x Cd0.3Zrx Fe2-2xO4 Spinel System

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Balwan. U. Patil & Ganesh B. Akat


The physical and chemical properties of solids have some sort of relation with the mechanism of charge transport, which can be understood from the measurement of electrical conductivity which is the inverse of electrical resistivity has been studied by snoek [1]. The electrical conductivity of ferrite depends much upon the amount of iron present in the lattice in the ferrous state. The conductivity increases with increase of ferrous ions. The activation energy (∆E) is the energy needed to release the electron form the ion for a jump of neighboring ion.

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