IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Effect of Self-Myofascial Massage with the Aid of Foam Roller on Lower Limb after High-Intensity Interval Training

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Dr. Saugata Sarkar , Moirangthem Mangalsana Sing , Dr. Shantanu Halder


Purpose of the present study was to look at the result of self-myofascial massage with help of foam roller on lower limb once high-intensity interval training (HIIT). As for the study methodology, thirty football players were at random allotted for this study. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), the process used for the purpose of this study, which consists of a 10- pull, set of two, has a duration of 45 seconds, and 10 seconds of rest in between the two movements. The topic performed of self-myofascial massage with foam roller on lower limb. In the lower limb performance was assessed by vertical jump and the 2-hop jump test. The flexibility was evaluated through the active range of motion of ankle, knee, and hip. Muscle pain was measured exploitation the visual analogical scale (VAS), responses starting from zero (no pain) to ten (maximal pain). Pain Measurements were recorded straight off once the physical exertion. Repeated measures ANOVA were accustomed investigate variations between the 3 treatments over the 3 completely different time points. To sum up, self-myofascial release, and reduction in muscle of the lower part of the body, and to increase the level of the hip joint's range of motion, but not to a significant change in the case of a vertical jump, the 2-hop jump test.

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