IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Effect of Cleansing Techniques and Bhastrika Pranayama Combating the Asthma Symptoms: A Narrative Review

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Niti Tomar, Anuj Kumari, Dr. Ajay Pal


Yoga is considered as the complementary therapy and Shatkarma is one of the most important limbs of yoga that hatha yogis suggested to purify the energy channels or naadis. Shatkarma decimate kapha dosha as indicated in traditional Yogic texts and asthma arises due to the imbalance in vata and kapha dosha. In order to examine the physiological and therapeutic effects of few shatkriyas and bhastrika pranayama on patients with mild to moderate asthma, to find out the more effective management and identification of any possible route to reduce asthma symptoms. The literature was surveyed on PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases for relevant articles for the term: “Bronchial asthma” OR “Kapalbhati” OR “Bhastrika pranayama” OR “bellow breathing” OR “kunjal” OR “voluntary induced vomiting” OR “jala neti” OR “nasal irrigation” OR “Shatkriya” OR “cleansing techniques.” The findings suggest that Shatkriyas and Bhastrika pranayama enhances the endurance of respiratory muscles and reduce the airways resistance. These finding suggests new, easily implemented Yoga adjuvant therapy modules for chronic illnesses other than asthma. Hence, these selected Yoga practice can be added to the already existing Yoga therapy module for asthma. Further large scale clinical trials with rigorous designs to understand the mechanisms involved with Shatkriyas are warranted.

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