IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

“Educational Status of Beda Community Women in Raichur District, Karnataka State, India”

Main Article Content

Basawaraj Channappa, Prof. Nusrat Fatima


Education is the key to success so without education, there is no growth. The Beda women constitute a small proportion of the total population of the country and they are marginalized from the society in many respects because of education. The educational status of women in a society depends to a large extent on the social structure and the type of society. The status of any social group is determined by its levels of health-nutrition, literacy education and standard of living. The tribal women, as women in all social groups, are more illiterate than men. The low educational status is reflected in their lower literacy rate, lower enrolment rate and their presence in the school. The Beda women work very hard, in some cases even more than the men. The Raichur district women tribes in Karnataka are hardworking and well educated than Beda men and they contribute significantly towards their family income, but their income generating sources are limited. Mainly due to the high rate of illiteracy, poverty, backwardness, very low status of education and lack of awareness of the various government programmes and policies made for their upliftment the tribal people are not able to participate in the process of development. The present paper aims to examine educational status of Beda women with special focus on Raichur district of Karnataka state.

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