IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Eating Habits of University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic

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Syeda Amena Banu , Dr. Shruti kabra


Context: COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on student’s mental health due to closure of colleges causing sudden changes, through home-isolation and social-distancing which led to changes in the lifestyle and eating behaviour. Aim: This study investigates eating habits of university students during covid-19 pandemic in Hyderabad. Specifically, it investigated perceived changes in eating behaviour compared to usual before COVID-19 and compared it with self-reported response during the same period. Methods & Materials: university students between 17-27 years residing in Hyderabad filled an online survey which included questions about socio-demographic, Anthropometric information, nutritional information, pandemic specific questions and emotional eating scale. Data were analysed using SPSS version 26.0. Results: it was revealed that 52.1%, 41.2% and 6.6% were low, moderate and high Emotional Eaters respectively. Association between BMI and emotions like happy, sad, nervous and underpressure was significant (p <0.05). About 51.4% respondents reported an increase in weight during pandemic. There was no correlation between perceived weight change and emotional eating. Association between physical activity and negative emotions like sad, depressed, angry and frustrated was significant (p <0.05). BMI, physical activity, changes in number of meals are associated with Emotional Eating. Conclusion: it is evident certain emotions do have effect on the eating habits of students but it cannot confirm that weight status is influenced by EE. Future research in this area may add up to the acquired results..

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