IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Down's Syndrome: A Study of the Available Research

Main Article Content

Rajiv Ahluwalia1 , Sanjeev Tomar2 , Priyanka Aggarwal3 , Natasha Gambhir4 , Sumita Giri5 , Priyanka Thukral6


This overview of the literature on Down syndrome focuses on the syndrome's clinical symptoms, systemic and oral defects, and advice for those who have it. Up until recently, chromosomal subgroups were distinguished by karyotyping, but nowadays, increasingly advanced diagnostics and therapies have an impact on the lives of people with Down syndrome. Current trends of normalisation and deinstitutionalization of these individuals are the consequence of medical advancements, specialised educational initiatives, and rising community acceptance of people with disabilities. These people can receive conventional dental care once a dentist is informed with their medical history and takes the necessary safeguards.

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