IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Domestic Violence during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case for Indian Women

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Suresh Kashinath Ghatge 1, Prof. (Dr.) Anuradha Parasar 2


The covid-19 outbreak has raised the number of domestic violence cases worldwide. Social distancing, closures of essential community foundations, and several social restrictions have dramatically enhanced the risk of domestic violence. This study is focusing on the evaluation of pandemic-related registered reports on domestic violence in India. It has been seen that in India, women are the main victims of domestic violence which resulted in the mental health, and physical health of Indian women. Verbal and non-verbal aggression destroys women’s self-worth and affects them emotionally due to “domestic violence”. During the Covid-19n pandemic situation, lockdowns and domestic violence enhance sexual abuse and violence among women in India. As domestic violence affected Indian women physically, mentally, and emotionally, this incident even leads the Indian woman toward suicide.

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