IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Diseases of the Cerebrovascular System and its Pathologies

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Dr Mayurika Tyagi1 , Dr Swati Singh2


One of the most significant contributors to human mortality and morbidity is a group of conditions known as cerebrovascular disorders (CVD), also known as stroke. It is estimated that the incidence of cardiovascular disease in western countries ranges from 500 to 800 cases per 100,000 people each and every year. Although accurate data of this kind are not readily available for India, there are studies that indicate the incidence rate ranges from 13 to 33 cases per 100,000 people every year. Taking into account the overall population of India, the problem may be more significant quantitatively than it is in the majority of other countries, despite the fact that these figures are undoubtedly lower when compared to the countries of the west. The fact that this is a widespread issue in our neuropathology material is what initially sparked my interest in the topic. In the combined material from the biopsy and the autopsy, cardiovascular diseases come in third behind neoplasms and infections. In my presentation, I have ruled out vascular syndromes that are caused by trauma and those that are related to other intracranial disorders, such as those that are caused by infections, tumours, and other similar conditions.

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