IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Digital Food Marketing in Post COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Relationship Marketing

Main Article Content

Dr.Subhash Chand Goel,Dr.Shaik Karim,Dr.Sudip Basu,Dr.M.Chandrasekhar Reddy,Dr.Ch.Venkatrayulu


Aim/Purpose:- The aim of the research is to investigate the role of digital media marketing practices of food related products to the consumers. The Digital food marketing influences the consumers by fulfilling the psychological and esteems needs of the consumers. The various digital media platforms are frequently used like: social media, company websites, cell phone apps, tablets, blog advertisements, YouTube advertisements, behind the food footages, are facilitating for digital marketing. The growing literacy, income, youth population, aspirations are encouraging the digital food marketing in India. Now a days the digital food marketing platforms fulfills the aspirations and generate revenue to the country also. Especially, the Post COVID-19, created such circumstances to depend more on digital platform to receive orders and for food. It created an emergence for digital literacy in India. Now, the digitalization has become part of retail industry, the retailers are coming with innovative strategies to render the services to the customers. Outcome:- The outcome of the research witnessed that the mediating role of relationship marketing in relationship between the digital platform for food marketing with respect to customer expectations and satisfactions in the contemporary aspects. Research Methodology:- The model has been developed based on secondary data sources as literature supported that the mediating variable the relationship marketing plays a crucial role to bring significant relationship high customer satisfaction and sales turnover. Generalizability:- The outcome of the research can be generalized where need arises to measure the customer satisfaction with respect to mediating variable of relationship marketing. Originality:- The research has not been copied from any sources the developed model which is sophisticated in nature.

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